September 10, 2022 News 0 Comments

Teachers’ Christian Fellowship Malaysia. In Step 2022- Vol 34

“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.” Luke 9:62

Tempus fugit! We are halfway through 2022 already. In the past few months, we have seen and experienced many changes. By God’s grace, we have also transitioned from the pandemic to the endemic
stage of COVID-19. Many of us might find it quite overwhelming to readjust ourselves back to physical
classes, daily commute, and backward Math in managing our time both at work and at home. As we
continue to put our hands to the plow in these uncertain times, where do we set our gaze on? Do we
look back and compare the challenging time we’re living now with the good old days? Or above all, do we turn our eyes to Jesus, the One who faithfully endured the cross to die for our sin that we may share in His glory?
