🙋 The following booklets are NOT textbooks for Bible Knowledge SPM. The set of booklets are to be used as enrichment materials by teachers and students especially for ideas to help connect the text of the Gospel of Luke to present day and individual contexts.
As such, it can be used as a devotional and reflective guide that helps you think more deeply about the relevance of the issues and topics arising from the Biblical text.
Furthermore, there will be theological issues brought up in the booklets that form the foundation of faith. There will always be differing theological stances for every writer who interprets Scripture, and the present author of these booklets will not be an exception. This author has tried to lean heavily on orthodoxy but if on some theological issue you differ from the approach taken, please show extra grace on your part. The best is that we agree to disagree but maintain the spirit of peace and unity in our common faith.
Our desire and hope is that the contents of these series of booklets on the Gospel of Luke will give teachers of Bible Knowledge SPM lots of ideas and opportunities to spark discussions and deliberations that will be mutually edifying with their students. God bless your efforts and may your times with the students have a significant impact at the pivotal stage of their young lives
The Gospel of Luke chapter one is like the prelude to the action-packed life of Jesus, the Saviour of the world. This true story of a teenage girl, Mary, who showed such faith and maturity in light of the incredibly hard task entrusted to her by God Almighty makes a good narrative for a TV drama series. But even more important is that the lessons we can draw from the stories of two very obvious miraculous births of babies that intersect in a wonderful way, one to the virgin teenage heroine and another to a barren woman in her autumn years, are incredibly captivating and convicting. Even as you begin this journey to explore the life and works of Jesus in the gospel written by the only Gentile writer of the Bible, Dr. Luke, it is a good launching pad into the fascinating world of people of amazing faith and trust in God.
The Gospel of Luke chapter two is the exciting account of the coming of the Saviour of the world. But it is surprisingly low key except for some private celestial celebration with limited invitation. Very little is known about the developing years of Jesus but the one account about his visit to Jerusalem at the age of twelve reveals a deep secret that confounded all those who heard it at that time. Your study of the gospel of Luke chapter two will cause you to deeply wonder at the profound mystery of this coming of the Saviour of the world.
John the Baptist was a strange and curious character. With his rough and tough looks, his fiery messages and unusual lifestyle and eating habits, one will either like him or hate him! Whether you liked him or hated him, one cannot but help tell that this was a really humble man who had a very clear and definite calling in his life – to prepare the way for the Saviour of the World.
The lines never blurred for him between his role as the herald and the role of Jesus, the Saviour of the World. Their lives intersected even as Jesus, coming of age at 30, quietly launched his public ministry by being baptised by John. These were the beginning years of what would be a truly momentous life that impacts the world for all ages.
The beginning of anything is usually very exciting and important. It sets the template and distinctive mark for how all things with regards to that endeavour will proceed and develop to its desired end. Thus, the beginning of Jesus’ ministry gives us very important marks that will define Jesus’ public ministry for the next few years. Jesus’ power and truth encounter with Satan in the wilderness, His opposition when he returned to his hometown Nazareth and his highly successful ministry of teaching, healing and deliverance in Galilee all set the marks of his ministry for the next few years until he reached Calvary. Jesus’ authority and power was and is the hallmark of his person and work.
One of the important factors that will decide whether a movement will succeed or not is the calling of people who will follow the founder’s vision and practices. Jesus, at the outset of his public ministry, did not move out as a lone ranger. He intentionally sought out and called individuals whom he saw as people who would answer his call to be his disciples and carry on his work of reaching sinners in the world. Thus, the calling of his early disciples like Simon Peter, James and John (the sons of Zebedee), and Levi (called Matthew) is very important. He brought them along with him to observe who he reached out to (the outcasts of society who saw their need for his help) and how he did it (looking within first and then beyond the obvious and prejudice). Through this, he set the template for a worldwide movement of disciple making that will reach out to sinners.
Becoming a disciple of Jesus is not a simple, easy or leisurely walk in the park. It is a very demanding call to fulll because it goes against our natural and selsh desires. That is why true discipleship is not humanly possible. To achieve the marks of true discipleship we need to rely completely upon God’s help through his Holy Spirit. It is also a lifelong process of submitting to God and His will. As Eugene Peterson has put it, discipleship is a long obedience in the same direction. Luke Chapter 6 gives the marks of the true disciple which include practicing the Lordship of Christ, following the call to worldwide mission, possessing the beautiful attitudes needed in this work and ministry coupled with a steadfast obedience to God’s Word. It is to this life of discipleship that we are all called to live.
To deepen our faith it is necessary to do and go through hard things in life. No one ever grows deeper in faith when experiencing ease in life. We need to experience pain and resistance if we want to build muscles of spiritual faith. The problem is we are usually averse to choose the path of hardship, pain and difficulties. We prefer to take the path of least resistance. In the Gospel of Luke chapter 7, we will see how deeper faith can be acquired: when we choose to do the hard things of breaking out of the box of human limitation, breaking through the dump of offense and doubts, and breaking forth of the walls of rejection. We have to be intentional and purposeful as we choose the path of resistance in order to deepen our faith in God.
There is a very important spiritual principle for movement in the Kingdom of God – there must be a continuous input from God and output of faith in order to be fruitful. Jesus was about to send his apostles out into the mission field. But he needed to teach them this very important spiritual principle so that they can apply it when they cooperate with God in his work. Hearing, experiencing and reaching out in faith all works on this principle of input and output. As Jesus consolidated their practical training in the Gospel of Luke chapter 8, we too can learn this practical spiritual principle and join the movement in the Kingdom of God.
The Gospel of Luke chapter 9 is about transitions. The disciples were moving into ministry on their own without the physical presence of Jesus with them. Jesus was moving from ministry in Galilee to go on the road towards Jerusalem where he would fullfil his ultimate mission; that is to die on the cross and resurrect from the dead. As these transitions happened, the mystery ofJesus’ mission, glory and commitment was revealed in significant ways to his apostles and disciples. But not everything was crystal clear. Biblical mysteries are to be embraced, not resolved. Did they embrace the mysteries or grasp the depth of their call to follow Jesus as his disciples? The cost of following him was made clear to all who wanted to do so. It involved a higher commitment and a greater grit to be Jesus’ disciples. This would indeed be a challenging matter for all of us to seriously consider and think carefully. Do we have the gumption to truly follow Jesus?
Jesus was a master strategist. He had a long-term view and goals of reaching the world, but he also had short-term goals with appropriate steps to prepare his apostles and disciples for the task ahead of them. He expanded his team intentionally and deepened the aspects of their training, so that they could take the rigours of ministry and mission for the long run. The Gospel of Luke chapter 10 gives us insight into how Jesus expanded and deepened his team; their target and their training so that they had a good balance in their life. The most important thing is that they must possess the right spirit and posture of heart – humility, mercy, grace, compassion and devotion to God. Those who want to serve in ministry and missions must take time to allow the Spirit of God to build these virtues deeply into their lives.
As soon as Jesus made his move towards Jerusalem, conflicts mounted. His enemies intensified their attacks with slander, questions, criticism and accusations. Jesus waded through each of these conflicts confidently and wisely. We can learn so much from the way Jesus tackled the attacks of his sworn enemies; particularly the Pharisees and the teachers of the law who were religious experts. From him we learn the power of God-centered prayers, pulling down spiritual strongholds, using the light of the Gospel, and taking a rm stand against religiosity. Conflicts are inevitable and we must apply similar methods to deal with it in our lives and ministry.
The Gospel of Luke Chapter 12 is about living in light of eternity. Jesus gave several clear warnings with regards to breaking free from the inhibitions of life on earth, and extending our sights to what is to come in eternity. Jesus warned against hypocrisy and the fear of man, that could erode faith resulting in apostasy with eternal consequences. He also gave warning about greed and self-centered living that is short-sighted, crowding out the more important matter of living in light of eternity. His warning to all believers to be prepared for his return is so poignant that any sense of complacency and contempt for his gospel should strike utter fear in our hearts. Living in light of eternity requires us to be faithful and wise servants of God, who live godly lives and render joyful service to our Master.
Everyone will die and then face God’s judgement. At that point, every person’s eternal placement will be decided based on specific details of their life on earth. As such, it is very important to live in light of God’s judgement so that we are ready to face that deciding moment. In the Gospel of Luke chapter 13, we will see that God’s judgement of all people will be based on: the evidence of their fruits of repentance, their fruitfulness in the Kingdom of God, and whether they are truly known by Jesus. Such matters cannot and must not be left to chance. We have to make sure that we know exactly the criteria in which God’s judgement will be made, and accept all the provisions that Jesus has prepared for us to face that day.
God is not just a God who judges and punishes. He is also a God who rewards those who are faithful and true to him. Those who choose to take the path of discipleship will indeed go through testing and persecution. But if they maintain a posture of humility before God and a heart of compassion towards others, God will show himself to be totally trustworthy and faithful to reward them. God also rewards those who are responsive to him especially when he invites them to stay on course to attend the great wedding banquet of the Lamb. This will require pure devotion and total dedication to Jesus Christ. The Gospel of Luke chapter 14 is that grand call to live in light of God’s rewards.
Those who are spiritually lost in the world is the greatest tragedy of humanity. The heart of God for the lost is clearly portrayed in the Gospelof Luke chapter 15. God loves sinners and is constantly seeking them outand trying to reach their hearts. God is portrayed as the shepherd who lost one sheep, and the woman who lost one silver coin. Both characters in the parables, diligently and earnestly searched for what they lost. That is what God has been doing since the fall of man into sin. He has provided everything necessary for sinful and fallen people to return tohim. He looks out for them as the compassionate father in the parable of the lost sons. These stories will form our hearts to be like that of God, if we identify with God and listen to his heart beat for sinners in the world. It will be life-changing for you to do so. You will be concerned about those who are spiritually lost and do all that you can to point them home.
The web of money is one of the most deceptive traps in this world. Many lives have been destroyed by it. But money can be used for good or for bad. What is more, money can be used in this world to invest in eternity. Jesus challenged the teachers of the Law and the Pharisees about their love for money and tutored his own disciples so that they would not walk into this web that entraps. The two parables that Jesus told about the shrewd manager and also about the rich man give us the contrast between the proper use of money to win friends for eternity and the improper use of money to satisfy your own lust and appetites. When we learn how to differentiate these two opposing attitudes towards money, we will know how to stay clear of the web of money that entraps us but use money to advance the cause of the Kingdom of God.
As Jesus got closer and closer to Jerusalem, the urgency of preparing his disciples for what was ahead and beyond became more urgent. Thus, at every opportunity, Jesus taught them about matters of discipleship whether in situations or intentionally through direct teaching. He did this by reminding them of negative and positive aspects of discipleship. In the gospel of Luke chapter 17, Jesus taught about three negatives – temptations that could stumble his disciples horribly in their lives and ministry; unforgiveness, ingratitude and spiritual short-sightedness. We need to understand why these three temptations are so insidious; how it can creep up on us ever so subtly, and cause terrible damage in our walk with God. Then, make sure we stay alert whenever there are these warning signals ashing on our dashboard of life.
It is said that our attitudes determine the altitude we rise to. This is definitely true when it comes to discipleship. The attitudes of our hearts matter a great deal, when it comes to our relationship with God. Thus, in the Gospel of Luke chapter 18, we are taught the three attitudes that will strengthen us in our spiritual walk as disciples of Jesus Christ. These three attitudes are being prayerfully dependent on God, exercising childlike trust in God and using desperate faith to dispel all spiritual darkness in our lives. These are reminders of discipleship, as Jesus rounds the corner for the final stretch towards Jerusalem, where he will fulfill his mission to save the world by dying on the cross for their sins, and rising from the dead in ultimate victory. Catch these three spiritual attitudes, and nurture it constantly in our lives, because it will provide us with the strength we need in our own spiritual journey.
Jesus was about to enter Jerusalem. For some nine months, he had set his face like a flint for Jerusalem. He zig zagged his way through Galilee, Samaria, Perea and finally Judea, ministering and teaching all the way. At the same time, he was training his disciples, reminding them of past lessons of discipleship that he had taught them, consolidating those lessons. The Gospel of Luke chapter 19, brought him to the town of Jericho. Signs of acceptance and rejection punctuated his journey all the way, and was slowly building to a decisive confrontation. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, riding on a colt, we will become more and more aware that he was fullling God’s precise agenda and plan. He was mysteriously fullling the Old Testament prophecies in incredible detail, proving that he was the Messiah spoken of in Scriptures, and sent down from God to savethe world. But this was a path where he will have to be rejected by his very own people. Today, Jesus is still accepted or rejected because God gave us free will to do so. Let’s learn to accept Jesus fully in our lives, not partially.
Jesus was no stranger to conflicts. As soon as he embarked on his public ministry, conict was never far behind. But conflicts did not faze him as he dealt with his opponents wisely andappropriately. In the Gospel of Luke chapter 20, we can learn a lot from Jesus how to deal with our opponents, who come at us with all kinds ofquestions to trip us up. Jesus dealt with the whole range of religious opponents: the Chief Priests, the elders of the Sanhedrin consisting of the Pharisees, the Sadducees and the teachers of the Law. In every encounter, we will marvel how Jesus shut them up with well formed questions. In this booklet, you will learn to usethe “Judo Method” which Jesus demonstrated in his encounters with his opponents. You will also be able to face ridicule by getting your opponents to think about the validity of their own point of view. As you learn all these tactics and practice them, you will be well on your way to become God’s skilled witness who can deal with the conflict at hand.
The Apocalypse of the Parousia, or the second coming of Jesus, is a primary teaching in the Old and New Testament. So much has been written in God’s Word about it and yet, it is a great shame that many Christians are so ignorant or confused about it. Well, fear not, for this study of the Gospel of Luke chapter 21 will give you a very clear composite picture of what Jesus taught, and what the key passages of the Bible has to say about it. The twoperiods of the Birth Pains and the End, will become crystal clear, as you peer into the future with biblical lenses. You will be encouraged as you learn that the conflicts in the future are but a stepping stone to the peace and victory that will come for us through Jesus’ sure return to earth. You will be equipped to face future conicts with faith and courage that comes from God. You will be able to explain with clarity about what is ahead to others, and anchor the gospel in this abiding hope that you and I have in Jesus. You will be very glad that you did this study!
There is nothing more important in this world than the Gospel or the Good News of Jesus Christ. It is so simple, yet so profound. It is like nothing else in the world because it is the unique, eternal plan of God for the salvation of sinners. The Gospel is not grounded in philosophical arguments or scientic proofs, but in factual, historical events that happened at the turn of the century. The Gospel is either true or the biggest hoax in history. What happened in the last few days of the life of Jesus here on earth, culminating in the biggest showdown in history between him and his opponents, provides the basis for the gospel. It is a recorded fact in the annal sof history that Jesus was crucied, died, was buried and three days later, rose from the dead! How and why it happened is the crucial deliberation regarding the truth of the Gospel. In this booklet, you will be guided to consider the events recorded in chapters 22 and 23 of the Gospel of Luke, relating it to the evergreen message of the Gospel. It is a most important deliberation with eternal significance for every soul. Do undertake this most important task with due diligence, as we approach closer to the end of this epic narrative of the Gospel according to Luke.
The resurrection of Jesus is the pillar of Christianity. It changed everything for the discouraged and despondent disciples of Jesus. His messages were denite and intentional as he appeared personally to three groups of specially chosen eyewitnesses: the first eyewitness, Mary Magdalene, the message was restoration for the fallen disciples and followers; the second eyewitness, the two disciples on the road to Emmaus, the message was the revelation of the Gospel in Scripture (in shadows, types and prophecies in the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament); and the third foundational witness, the eleven apostles, the message was to take up and full the responsibility of taking the gospel to allnations. Jesus then ascended to heaven from Mount Olives, awaiting the day when he will return, and set foot on the same ground from which he left. The Showdown II is over. Jesus has triumphed exceedingly. It was now up to the revived apostles and disciples to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.